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Who is REALLY a “morning person”??

I mean, who is REALLY a “morning person”??

Life is BANANAS lately…it is BUSY and though the summer is time to relax, it often feels jam packed. It is likely fun stuff, but still, packed! If making fitness a consistent habit is something you are trying to work on but you can’t get into a groove, it may mean you need to change up the time you are trying to train.

If you are a person who has a crazy and unpredictable work schedule with meetings etc.
If you have a long commute or a commute with traffic
If your afternoons are loaded with kids sports etc OR if you work evenings
…Getting into an early morning workout a few days a week MAY be a habit you need to get into to keep to your workout/training goals

This may sound daunting, but HAVE NO FEAR! We are here to help. Here are a few tips from the MSC Coaching Crew to help you learn to build the habit of waking up for morning workouts!

Slowly inch up your bedtime. If you normally go to bed at 11pm or later, an early wake up call will be tough. But it will also be really hard to drastically change your bedtime. Try to inch up your bed time earlier by 10-15 for several days. When you have that down, then do another 10-15 minutes. Until you are at a point where you are getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep and can still get up in time for your early session.

Physically move your alarm clock! If you struggle getting out of bed, put your alarm across the room so you have to physically get out of bed to shut it off. To take that one step further, you can even sleep in your gym clothes 🙂 I’ve done it!

Buddy up! You are MUCH more likely to get out the door if you have to meet someone… and then you get to catch up with a good pal and get your workout in. win win!

Put it in your calendar and schedule in advance. Make the plan and schedule the time in your busy schedule just like you would anything else.

Tiny Habits. Small efforts build big waves. You DON’T need to get up at 5 am every day. Start with 1 early workout a week. Once you have that nailed, go for 2. A friendly reminder, you WILL get stronger, build muscle and achieve your fitness goals if you are CONSISTENT as little as 2 times per week (on a program that works for you that is!). Scheduling 5-6 workouts a week that you DON’T do aren’t going to help you nearly as much as 2x a week for 6 months.

I hope that was helpful for the newbie early birds!


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Did you know there are crazy awesome mental benefits that come with strength training? Stress reduction and anxiety relief, improved moved and emotional well-being, increased self


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