Get started with a free session

Our most successful clients do this one thing!

They show up.

That’s it.

They show up if they don’t feel like it and aren’t “motivated”

They show up if they are running a little late.

They show up if they have to head out a little early.

They sign up for class in advance, put it in their calendar and honor their “appointment” with themselves just like they would do with anyone else.

They show up 90% of the time, for 2-3x a week..for years.

The people who have the most success with their health and wellness are the ones that find a program/gym that does the thing they want to achieve (for MSC its Strength Training!) and a way to keep showing up when life throws them curve balls and they lose motivation.

Here are some tips/comments form our MSC Crew on how they stay consistent and keep getting results year after year:

“I sign up for my sessions 2 weeks out and put them in my calendar! It is hard to wake up sometimes but I know my friends at the gym are there waiting for me!”

“Historically I have tried to train 5 days a week and have always fallen off when I got busy with work and the kids schedule picked up. Tina recommended I start with 2x a week then once that was consistent move to 3x. I have been consistent with 3x a week now for 8 months and have got way better results than I have ever seen with trying 5x a week and falling off after 2 months”.

“I know Tina and Leah will call and ask me I am ok if I don’t show up 😆! And that helps me stay consistent, they keep us accountable!”

“I put my alarm clock across the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off and put my gym clothes on right away (sneakers and all!). Once I am up and ready it feels silly going back to bed.”

“The quarterly progress reports MSC sends out really help me stay motivated! It is really fun to get recognition and to see my progress each quarter and that helps me going”

“Goal setting with the coaches, working towards something and seeing my progress as I progress through the program that is written for me to achieve that goal is really cool. It helps me from getting bored because I know when I accomplish one goal we can switch it up and move towards a new one that excites me.”

“I got my bestie to join the gym with me and it makes it so much easier to go when I feel like I am too busy or should skip. We always have fun, I always feel better when I leave.”

“When work gets crazy I have always wanted to take time off at the gym. Tina helped me adjust my schedule down to 2x a week during busy season then back up to 3 or 4 when I am out of the weeds. Staying consistent with the gym just a few days has provided me with more energy for work and family than ever which has been a game changer.”

I hope these pointers help you make a plan and stick to it this summer! Enjoy the sunshine and stay cool!


Your brain & strength training

Did you know there are crazy awesome mental benefits that come with strength training? Stress reduction and anxiety relief, improved moved and emotional well-being, increased self

Get Started & Stick With it

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Random Workouts

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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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