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best time of day to train

Woman lifting

Here’s a common gym question: What’s the best time of the day to train?

The short answer: It’s always a good time to work out!🤗💪❤️🤘

Most people don’t work out at all, so it’s better to train at any time than to skip a workout because the time isn’t “perfect.” You know the cliche “done is better than perfect and anything is better than nothing”…well, that is very true, especially when it comes to strength training!

These days, people are incredibly busy, and time is precious. Parents are always taking kids somewhere, shift workers are managing wild schedules, some people face long commutes before and after work, and so on. The phrase “I don’t have time” is very common.

So our advice is to work out whenever you can. The time doesn’t really matter that much. You may have to workout at a time that you aren’t used to, or isn’t ideal, but once you get it in consistently for 3 weeks, it will get MUCH easier. 

But here’s a tip: it’s sometimes better to get a workout in earlier in the day so unexpected issues later on don’t throw you off track and force you to skip training. So, I know many of you are “not a morning person” but if your fitness goal and your health are important to you, you may need to figure this one out!

Another tip: No matter what time you plan to train, schedule your workouts and block off that time on your calendar so it’s locked in.

You got this!


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is more better?

So you’ve got goals, and you’re fired up to accomplish them – will working out a lot help you do it? The answer is “maybe.”


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


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