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you have more time then you think

It’s happening! Fall is here!

For a lot of our members at MSC, September feels like the kick start of a new year. It can be a super busy time, but in my experience, it is one of the best times to start a new fitness routine. You may be thinking, “how the hell would a SUPER BUSY TIME be the best time to add in stuff and start a routine!?”, well I will tell you ☺️❤️🤘.

People who start a fitness routine during busy times in their lives often demonstrate greater success for several reasons:

  1. Time Management and Prioritization: When life is busy, fitting in a fitness routine requires intentional planning, prioritization, and efficient time management. This mindset often carries over into other areas of life, making it easier to maintain the routine long-term.
  2. Resilience and Adaptability: Busy periods can be filled with challenges, and starting a fitness routine during such times helps build resilience. These individuals learn to adapt, finding creative solutions to fit workouts into their schedules, which makes them more likely to stick with their routine when things calm down.
  3. Motivation from High Stress: Stress can be a powerful motivator. People who begin exercising during busy times might use fitness as a tool to manage stress, boost energy, and improve mood. This immediate positive feedback reinforces the habit, making it more likely to become a permanent part of their routine.
  4. Development of Discipline: Starting a fitness routine when life is hectic requires discipline. This discipline helps individuals stick to their commitments even when motivation wanes, setting the foundation for long-term success.
  5. Building a Sustainable Lifestyle: By integrating fitness into a busy schedule, people learn how to incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle rather than viewing exercise as an optional activity. This helps create sustainable, lifelong habits rather than short-term fixes.
  6. Sense of Accomplishment: Successfully incorporating fitness into an already busy life can boost self-confidence and create a sense of accomplishment, which can further motivate individuals to maintain their routine.

This combination of skills and mindset can significantly increase the likelihood of sticking with fitness long-term, even as life get’s chaotic and crazy.

Stay tuned next week for a few tips on how to get started in a way that is manageable and sets you up for success!

With love, support, and a gentle reminder that you can do hard things and you have more time than you think 😉


Your brain & strength training

Did you know there are crazy awesome mental benefits that come with strength training? Stress reduction and anxiety relief, improved moved and emotional well-being, increased self

Get Started & Stick With it

Are you nervous or hesitant to start a new fitness routine because you are already thinking about how you have quit in the past? I


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


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