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Get Started & Stick With it

Are you nervous or hesitant to start a new fitness routine because you are already thinking about how you have quit in the past? I get it, and believe it or not it is very normal! A lot of our clients who start MSC tell us they have “started and stopped” so many times they are nervous to even try again. But you can overcome this fear and be successful and achieve the fitness goals you want! It doesn’t have to be intense, it doesn’t have to feel like a crazy life change… 

Try These 4 Step to help you build a fitness habit that sticks for good:

1) Do a workout you enjoy. Seems simple right? But a lot of people put themselves through programs or workout routines that they dread to try and get results. The reality is the #1 most important thing to achieving any goal is staying consistent. So find something you enjoy and start there!

2) Do it with people you enjoy! A lot of people find it hard to work out alone (myself included! Shout out to my 5am workout posse who keeps me consistent!). Now that you have found a gym or workout you really like… get a crew that keeps you consistent! Bring a friend, spouse, co-worker, or neighbor with you to your workout to add a level of fun and accountability! Sometimes it is hard to get someone to tag along, that’s were finding a gym that has a vibe and people you like comes in handy so you can make new workout friends!

3) Keep doing the THING. Even when you don’t want to, even when you aren’t motivated, even when more fun things present themselves or your bed feels cozy on those early mornings. The ONLY way to make a habit and get results in the gym is to KEEP GOING. Get in 2-3x a week for 4 months, then assess (literally mark a day 4 months out on your calendar!). Ask yourself: 1) have I come in 2-3x a week for 4 months consistently? 2) how do I FEEL (…guess what, if you did go 2-3x consistently a week chances are you will feel pretty great!)? 3) am I getting the results I want from this routine?

4) Make changes if needed. If you do NOT like the workout you are doing change it and try something new and start at step one. If you DO love what you are doing but aren’t necessarily getting the results you had hoped for (be realistic!) then KEEP the workout you love in some capacity, but start to add in other exercise or other habits that WILL help you achieve your goal and repeat the process! There is a lot of value in moving your body in ways you love … so keep doing it! See the examples below:

-If you are LOVING your dance fitness class but you want to get stronger, you will need to add some strength training. Keep a day or two of dancing and add in 1-2 days of strength training! 

– If you are only doing strength training 2x a week and are seeing strength gains but want to improve your cardiovascular endurance, add a running day or maybe take a spin class 1x a week!

– If you have started yoga and it makes you feel amazing from a relaxation and spiritual perspective but you want to build muscle and lose weight you will likely want to add strength training and look at your nutrition in addition to the yoga you love that is good for the body and soul.

Remember, you don’t need to even HAVE a goal outside of feeling good and moving your body, and let me tell ya… having that as a goal is pretty freaking awesome.


you have more time then you think

It’s happening! Fall is here! For a lot of our members at MSC, September feels like the kick start of a new year. It can

Your brain & strength training

Did you know there are crazy awesome mental benefits that come with strength training? Stress reduction and anxiety relief, improved moved and emotional well-being, increased self


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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